Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers: Enhancing Healthcare Access and Quality for Spanish Speaking Pediatric Populations
This research investigates the impact of enhanced communication between Latinx-speaking patients and their healthcare providers on overall patient satisfaction and observed quality of care. To identify obstacles to communication and evaluate their impact on healthcare experiences, a survey to Latinx-speaking patients in General Pediatrics and Pediatric Specialty offices was created and distributed to appropriate patients. To achieve these objectives, our methodology involved developing a survey with 7-10 questions rated on a scale from 1 to 5, to collect data on the experiences of Latinx-speaking patients. To guarantee accurate communication, the survey was administered by staff members who are native speakers of Latinx. Predetermined criteria, such as the need for interpretation services from native Latinx speakers, was used to choose the participants. The sample was represented of all genders to increase the accuracy of the findings. Surveys were conducted in a controlled setting, and researchers who spoke Latinx were on hand to answer queries and handle concerns for participants to ensure accuracy. The results demonstrate how crucial bilingual employees and efficient communication are to raising patient satisfaction, building trust, and achieving better health outcomes. This study emphasizes how important it is to remove linguistic barriers to advance equity in the delivery of healthcare. To build trust and ensure that patients are aware of their diagnosis, available treatments, and care plans, effective communication is essential. Language barriers can cause miscommunication, decreased adherence to treatment plans, and overall unhappiness with the healthcare experience for Latinx-speaking patients. By offering specific evidence on the advantages of multilingual communication in healthcare settings, this study aims to close this gap.
August 1, 2024
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